Alex Moore Park Re-development

  • March 2021

Waiora opened and is now the new home of JCC. 

  • May 2020

Well the first stage of the development started with the demolition of the existing JCC Clubrooms

Clubroom Demolition

More to follow !

125th Jubilee and One Hundred and Twenty Five Years of Village Cricket - up in the hills

Over the weekened 4-6 March 2011 the Club Celebrated 125 years of existance. Although the weather was terrible with no cricket being played, all those who attended the celebrations made the most of the social function. The Jubliee book entitled One Hundred and Twenty Five Years of Village cricket up in the hills compiled and edited by Alan Isaac with assistance from Sam Worthington and Gilly Myers, is a fantastic record of the Club's History. If you would like a copy please contact Alan Isaac or alternatively an electronic version of the book is available here. To view the group photo taken on the Sunday please click here.

Photos from the day:  

Friday 1,  Friday 2,  Saturday 1, Saturday 2

ICC Cricket 360 - Club of the Week Featuring the Johnsonville Cricket Club

This was filmed late in 2013 at Alex Moore Park. Have a look !

Film clip from youtube

Prizegiving Photos and Prior Year Statitics

2023- 2024 Season             2022-2023 Season 

Award List   Statistics               Award List   Statistics

2021-2022 Season               2020-2021 Season 

Award List      Statistics               Award List     Statistics

Prizegiving held at Waiora         Prizegiving held at Innkeeper

at Alex Moore Park 

​​​​​​​2019-2020  Season            2018-2019 Season

Award List       Statistics*         Award List    Statistics

No prizegiving held - Covid19   Prizegiving photos 1 2                 

* Includes all senior mens career records

2017-2018 Season               2016-2017 Season

Award List    Statistics              Award List     Statistics

Prizegiving photos   1  2           Prizegiving photos 1  2


2015-2016 Season              2014-2015 Season     

Award list                                Award List

Prizegiving photos 1   2           Prizegiving photos 1   2

Statistics                                 Statistics

2013-2014 Season             2012-2013 Season

Award list       Statistics            Award list       Statistics

                                             Prizegiving photos  1   2   3


2011-2012 Season            2010-2011 Season

Award list     Statistics             Award List       Statistics


2009-2010 Season            2008-2009 Season

Award list      Statistics           Award List    Statistics



Other Club Formal Documents

Club Constitution

Attached is the Club's constitution adopted on 9 March 2023 and filed with the Incoprorated Societies division of the Companies Office.

​​​​​​​Annual Reports

Click a year below to see the annual report for that season.

2023202220212020201920182017, 201620152014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 20102009, 2008

Life Members

You can read more about our Life members in One Hundred and Twenty Five Years of Village cricket up in the hills compiled and edited by Alan Isaac. This list is compiled from pages 160-163 of the booklet. 

M A Atkinson 1899

W E Wells 1904

R Bould 1905

O Cook 1925

C W Watson 1933

Jim Davies 1946

Alex A Moore 1952

Fred Jacobs 1954

Herbie Neal 1959

George Haliday 1963

Ramsay Georgeson 1964

Eric Powell 1965

George Ivamy 1970

Alec Masterton 1973

Cyril Parsloe 1973

Max Smith 1973

Cliff Wilkinson 1979

Alan Isaac 1987

Earle Cooper 1987

George Verry 1992

Dallas Mildenhall 1995

John Butt 1995

Nigel Blair 2000

Cheryl Styles 2014

​​​​​​​Luke Woodcock 2019

​​​​​​​Rick Mudgway 2022